A few years ago I realized that I couldn’t work in or for “Yoga studios” anymore. Most of these places (certainly there are a few exceptions out there) compromise the quality and authenticity of the teachings for numbers: Number of students, number of different styles, number of teachers, number of sales, popularity and profits. Usually, in these places, the teaching; if it is considered at all, is the last on the priority list.

After teaching in a rented space for more than a year I was blessed to find this beautiful house in the jungle that is more supportive and conducing to my Sadhana, an austere and tranquil lifestyle and a beautiful Ashtanga Yoga Shala.

Jangalika’s intimate Shala can fit up to 15 students at the same time but I prefer to not have more than 12 students practising at any one time. This way I can guarantee that every one receives enough attention always.

Come visit! I’ll be more than happy to welcome you in my House of Ashtanga Yoga.

6 Days a Week
From Sunday to Friday
starting at 7am
with Mannu-Yoga

New students to the Ashtanga Yoga Method are asked to commit to at least one week. Only Students with an established practice of at least half primary series should consider drop in classes.

On Fridays there is a Primary Series led class at 7 a.m. followed by a Yoga Theory and Philosophy discussion group.

All classes are held in JANGALIKA: House of Ashtanga Yoga just 2 minutes away from the quiet village of Sri Thanu on the west side of the island.

Please speak to Mannu in person or contact him at mannu@mannuyoga.com if you have doubts about drop in classes.

All payments must be done in cash before or at the beginning of your classes. If you wish to pay by credit card please contact Mannu on mannu@mannuyoga.com .

Drop In Classes _400 THB
1 Week _2000 THB
2 Weeks _4000 THB
1 Month _7000 THB
2 Month+ _6500 THB

Come visit!
I’ll be more than happy to welcome you
in my House of Ashtanga Yoga.

More Yoga Philosophy
insights and discourses
in my Journal

If you want to get a deeper understanding about yoga Philosophy, I recommend to join my 2 weeks Ashtanga Yoga Immersion Course. A deep immersion into daily morning practice and afternoon sessions will gradually bring practitioners to experience and allow their own organic intelligence to blossom.

» Ashtanga Yoga Immersion

Get in Contact with me to book a class!

Would you like to register for a yoga course, a retreat or a workshop? Or do you have a question or another topic? Then feel free to contact me by phone, email or using this contact form.


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